Anatomy sculpture for reference...

Took a wonderful class in anatomy sculpture of the human head. I think this was invaluable for a much greater understanding of the intricacies of the human face. The underlying bones and muscles which dictate the size and shape of the numerous folds and crevices are now more logical to me. This should help in my quest to portray the likeness and character of a person!

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Starting with grey clay I made the skull…

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Then using varying degrees of red clay for contrast I started to work out the various muscle groups…

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Even though a lot of components and detail would eventually be covered over with subsequent layers I decided to make everything as accurately as possible - this was a learning exercise every step of the way…

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Finally, the skin layer - covering only half the head, allowing reference to the underlying musculature.

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This was an eciting part of the process - discovering what the person may have looked like. It felt a bit like being a forensic anthropologist! 

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I named this handsome chap 'RogerMooretice' !

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© Rory Tyger 2020